*Pearl Matching Defined
Pearl matching is evaluation of the complete appearance of a pearl strand, pair or mulit-pearl piece of jewelry. Matching can include size, color and quality. A well-matched strand is composed of pearls that compliment each pearl above and below, and directly across as the strand drapes.
*The Difficulty in Pearl Matching ? No Two Pearls are Alike
Pearls are natural, organic substances, no two of them are identical. Therefore, when a piece of jewelry contains more than one pearl, some effort must be taken to ensure that the pearls all match in an aesthetically pleasing fashion.
*Pearl Matching is More About How They Fit Together
“Matching” does not mean that all pearls are exactly the same, nor does it mean that all pearls are identical in size, shape, or color. The basic idea of matching is that some pearls “match together” in a pleasing way, and the changes between them are either minimal, gradual, or for a specific purpose.
*Pearl Matching Uses the Pearls Differences to Make the Piece
For example, a long strand of pearls may have a large pearl in the center, with pearls which grow gradually smaller strung along either side. Or a strand may consist of pearls in alternating or gradually changing colors. In either of these examples, the pearls are considered well matched if the resulting piece is uniform and consistent, rather than haphazard looking.
*Pearl Matching on Smaller Pieces is the Same
-In the same way, pearl earrings, bracelets, pendants, rings, etc. any piece that contains more than a single pearl are generally matched to achieve greater beauty and value. If the piece consists of contrasting colors (such as a two-pearl, black-and-white ring), the matching will take into account the size, shape, and luster of the respective pearls, even though their colors are quite different.
*Different Treatments After The Pearl Harvest
After filtering out the pearls with obvious surface blemishes and spots, only a small fraction of the pearls are valuable.They are then sorted by quality, color and size.
*Pearl Matching is an Art, and Can Take A Lot of Patience
A good harvest is determined by the number of marketable pearls produced in relation to the number of oysters that were nucleated. The percentage of pearls that are considered high-quality will determine the success of the enterprise. On average, only half of the pearls will be marketable, and less than 10% of these will be considered top-quality.
→Click to find Ultimate Guide to Pearls-Grading Standards and Quality Control
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